Annual Dues Collection for 2024-25 – Discouraging

57% of our membership met their obligation to pay annual dues this year.  On a brighter note, participation surged to almost 200% of those who supported programs in 2024.  The shortfall of about $5,000 may hinder our ability to support the parish and our community in 2025.  The dues assessment of $5.00 per month or an annual assessment of $60.00 enabled the Fitzgerald Counsel to raise over $40,000 in 2024 on an investment of over 2,300 hours of service.  The Council hopes that those brothers who have not yet contributed might reconsider especially as the Council must cover per capita charges based on membership without regard to payment which further degrades our capability.

In 2025, Council 459 will celebrate 125 years of service.  The viability of Council 459 relies on the spirit, faith, treasure and commitment of the brotherhood to continued success.  This year 459 was the only Council in our district to receive the Virginia District Deputy and Supreme STAR Council Awards.  Please consider continuing to support for our efforts to further our principles of charity, unity and fraternity/community.  Please see the bottom of the home page for guidance on membership renewal.

Please note that we no longer mail out membership cards due to the cost and need to produce KofC identification with the exception of Supreme and State Events/Programs.  Cards are still available upon request.