KofC Council 459 Website: 1 new posts

WGK – how many Knights can we get for the morning rosary and 8 am mass. I also filed the form for the Lyceum for the football game. r/Larry
On Fri, Aug 9, 2024, 12:19 AM KofC Council 459 Website < " >> wrote:
> View this in your browser. > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiZmQ1YzFkYTIwMGU2IixmYWxzZV0> > Father McGivney Saint of the Day Tuesday August 13 > > Saint of the Day for August 13 Father Michael J. McGivney founded the > Knights of Columbus in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882. He envisioned a > Catholic order that would help Catholic men to remain steadfast in faith > while providing for their families’ spiritual and material needs. The pope > has recognized a miracle attributed to Father McGivney’s intercession. He > was be … > > Read the post > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiYjM2ZmJhODU1NTIyIixmYWxzZV0> > [image: Father McGivney Saint of the Day Tuesday August 13] > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiYjM2ZmJhODU1NTIyIixmYWxzZV0> > Unsubscribe > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiMjJkNDkwYTIyOGJiIixmYWxzZV0> > | Manage your subscription > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiMWEwNjc3ZWZlMmMwIixmYWxzZV0> > [image: Email Marketing Powered by MailPoet] > <459.knightspot.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=track&action=click&data=WyI2MyIsImNlOTk2MyIsIjc0IiwiNWFlYmQ3MWM0ZTIzIixmYWxzZV0> >