Please Consider Contributing to the 459 Fund Sustaining Three Seminarians

Fitzgerald Council 459 is committed to providing moral, financial, and spiritual support to our future priests and religious at all stages of their formation. Seminarians rely on their families, personal savings, the generosity of parishes and the Knights to cover their personal expenses. In addition to financial support, the council provides our adopted seminarians with moral and emotional support, and prayers for their vocation.  Knights are encouraged to reach out to them with holiday and birthday greetings.  If interested in writing to them, please email for their contact information.

In coordination with the Arlington Diocese Office of Vocations, the council is sponsoring three seminarians this fraternal year. Alex Solsma Alex, Aaron Zanca Aaron and Kolbe Tucker Kolbe.   Alex has been a member of our council since 2012.  Kolbe just joined our council in June of 2024. Aaron joined earlier this year. They are all attending the new St Charles Borromeo Seminary in Adler, Pennsylvania.

The council is responsible for raising funds to support these seminarians. It is our intent to continue sponsorship subject to availability of funding until their ordination. The Council is currently accepting donations at our Square Site using the QR code on our homepage (lower left corner) then selecting RSVP Seminarian and Religious Financial Support. Contributions from parishioners are always welcome.