Special Olympics Polar Plunge – An Opportunity to Bless Aspiring Athletes

Fitzgerald Council 459 has supported Virginia Special Olympics for years. Our signature annual event is the polar plunge. We are looking for a special brother to lead our 2024-2025 effort, recruit plungers, raise funds, participate, report and celebrate the team’s success. The season is opening soon as the state site stands up. If you are interested in leading this effort, please contact the Council leadership.

Special Olympics Programs invite you to come out and support your community by taking the Polar Plunge; your involvement is critical in aiding our athletes. Proceeds raised go to help provide year round sports training and competition for athletes. Additionally, your contribution and involvement helps athletes achieve their goals, live healthier lives, and have a sense of inclusion in the community. If you cannot take the Plunge, you can still come out, make a donation, volunteer your time, and show your support!

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