Council 459 Receives Recognition for Excellence

Council 459 recently qualified for the Virginia State District Deputy and Supreme Star Council Awards.  These awards recognize outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and programming. For Fraternal Year 2023-24, the Council earned the Father McGivney Award recognizing excellence in membership growth, the Founders’ Award recognizing excellence in the promotion of our insurance and fraternal benefits, and the Columbian Award which recognizes excellence in Faith in Action Programming and charitable outreach.  Special recognition was also received for the St. Lucy Food Drives, donations for Aid and Support after Pregnancy and sponsorship of three Arlington Diocese Seminarians.

459, under the leadership of Grand Knight Chris Zettler, completed a total of seventeen programs in the first ten months of the Fraternal Year.  Chris appreciates the time and effort necessary to earn these awards and looks forward to increased participation by the brothers in the last quarter of the Fraternal Year.

2 thoughts on “Council 459 Receives Recognition for Excellence

  1. Grand Knight 2023

    I am very proud of everyone’s contributions to help so many needy communities. Also very excited about our Council’s future with a mix of experience, knowledge of our history, and new perspectives from our recent members. Let’s keep rolling

  2. Joe Knight

    Council 459 is indebted to many brothers who stepped forward and volunteered their time in support of the parish and local community. 459 applauds the efforts of Keith Matthews who spearheaded the St Lucy Food Drives, Gaston Reboredo who stepped in to lead the Polar Plunge and Lenten Supper, Larry Clack who was able to provide coats and winter garb to countless folks, Jim Burkhart who led the KOVAR effort, Jarrett Lee for Octoberfest and the Basketball Free-throw, Zach Waters for Consecration to the Holy Family, Bill Beach for the Rosary Society, Chuck Zacharski for the Keep Christ in Christmas Art Contest, Billy McMorris for Christmas Cards and Steve Teslik for staffing >10K masses with ushers. These gentlemen and many others went out of their way to support our parish and community making 459 a valued partner. All brothers are asked to consider providing at least 24 hours a year to the Knights to support the propagation of the faith, strengthen our parish, support our community and our families. Finally, 459 appreciates the leadership and sacrifice made by the Council GK, his cadre of dedicated officers and brothers who volunteered their time and made sacrificial financial donations to make this Fraternal Year a resounding success.

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